Accidental Propaganda


Posted by rsouthern on April 22, 2009

Has the advancements in technology caused over exaggeration to be input into every aspect of media. At what point has something become too advertised or overly advertised. Observe the commercial below.

Seems like hoping in one of these airplanes is the greatest thing in the world. Because it’s a so called “new world”. That’s nothing like the new world. The new world is full of hatred and competition. Competition for power and grasping any means to gain advantage, to ultimately take control, or have the power to over control. And the kids they’re the ones who will suffer. Ask Mary O’Hare what she thinks about over advertising things, especially things of this characterization. But is it worth it, the risk could truly be a duty dance with death.

One Response to “Technology”

  1. rsouthern said

    Referenced: Kurt Vonnegut – Slaughterhouse-Five

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