Accidental Propaganda


Posted by rsouthern on April 22, 2009

Graduation is coming up pretty soon. Many students still don’t know whether or not they are going to college. Those students that do want to go to college don’t know where they want to go. It seems to be between the University of Florida and Florida State University. It seems as though if you simply apply to the college, you will be accepted. But there is not many scholarships available. It almost makes more sense just to go straight to war, after all people will be forced to go any way. Why be enthusiastic towards college if the threat of being restricted and commanded to do something else. Andy Warhol has just made an interesting piece of art that certainly reflects this day and age. Campbell’s Soup 1, makes many appreciate the simple things in life. Like the pleasures of warm tomato soup running down your throat. Makes you think about how fortunate you are to have food, shelter and clothing. How could you ever live without it these three necessities? Or maybe it’s that some don’t want to live with the things that completes them like the relationship between Ms. Crater and her daughter Lucynell Crater. 

One Response to “Graduation”

  1. rsouthern said

    Referenced: Andy Warhol
    Referenced: Flannery O’Connor – The Life You Save May Be Your Own

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