Accidental Propaganda

it’s true

Posted by rsouthern on April 21, 2009

It’s really happening, JFK is taking action against war. He is sending troops to South Vietnam because if the country falls to communism the United States is in great danger. There will be more and more troops sent over, they are going to implement the draft. God that would not be cool. Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird believed looking at life through someone else’s eyes before making any judgements. JFK is acting in his country’s best interest, but what individual wants to suffer involuntarily from his decisions. This is a time in which people are revolting, they are trying to influence politics through the display of peaceful movements. Is this really in the best interest of the USA?

One Response to “it’s true”

  1. rsouthern said

    McMahon, The Cold War, a Short Introduction – Pg. 99 “By the time of Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, The United States had sent 16,000 military advisers to South Vietnam, permitted those advisers to participate in combat operations against Viet Cong insurgents, initiated covert operations against North Vietnam, and significantly deepened its commitment to preserve a non-communist regime in South Vietnam.”

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